PalmProject - Project Scheduler for PalmPilot
Version 0.7B Shareware

Copyright © 1997-98 PDAWare&trade

PalmProject is a palm-sized project scheduler for the PalmPilot. PalmProject allows you to create a project schedule with tasks, set the start and end dates, specify the duration and also link to other tasks. PalmProject also provides milestone summaries and resource usage summaries. You can also track your project by filling in the percent complete field for each task. PalmProject needs the Palm OS 2.0 to operate, and the backup conduit needs Windows 95. The conduit allows you to import and export from your Microsoft Project databases using a csv file format.

This installation contains PalmProject V0.7B. PalmProject V0.7B limits the number of projects you can work on to one and also does not have some of the new features and bug fixes of V1.00.

You can purchase and download the commercial version PalmProject V1.00 by clicking on the PilotGearHQ icon at the top of this page. PGHQ also can be reached at (800) 741-9070 or (817) 461-3480 or fax at (817) 461-3482.

Files Screen - available in V1.00 only

The files screen of PalmProject shows a list of up to ten projects you can have on your PalmPilot. Tap on the New button to create a new project, or, highlight a project name and tap on the Edit button to start making changes to it (see Main Screen below). You can also delete a project by selecting its name and then tapping the Delete button.

Main Screen

The main screen of PalmProject shows a list of the tasks.

To create a new entry, tap the New button. If you select an existing task number and tap the New button, a new task will be created below that task number and all subsequent tasks will be shifted down. Note that the task number is automatically generated by the program.

You can change and edit the task name, start date, duration, end date and link by tapping on the respective field. The following rules apply: If a valid link exists, the start date of a task will be the end date of the linked task. If you change the duration, the end date will be updated; conversely, if you change the end date, the duration will be updated. If a link is zero, that task is unlinked and the start date will be the one you enter.

Duration is always in days. You can choose either a 5-day workweek (default) or a 7-day workweek. If a task has zero duration, it is considered a milestone entry. Milestone entries can be summarized by using the command in the Options Menu.

You can add additional information to a task via the Details button. Tap on the task number to select a task and then tap the Details button. You can now enter the Resource (person/organization) that will perform the task. A field to enter the percentage completed is also available to track the progress of the project.

Edit, Tools & Options Menus

The menus can be invoked by tapping on the Menu button.

From the Edit Menu, you can choose to delete a task (select it by tapping on its task number first), save the project under a different name, copy a task to clipboard and paste a task from the clipboard.

From the Tools Menu, you can run a milestone summary, or run a resource usage summary.

From the Options Menu, you can change the number of days in a workweek, or change the format of the date between MM/DD/YY or DD/MM/YY.

Installing PalmProject Version 1.00

Download or copy the file to a temporary directory on your PC and unzip the files. To install the application files and the backup conduit, in Windows 95 Explorer, double-click on setup.exe in this temporary directory. This will step you through the installation. After the files have copied, use the Install utility that came with your PalmPilot and select the file, palmproj.prc, to install. Close down the HotSync application and restart it. Place your PalmPilot into its cradle and click the HotSync button. This will install the PalmProject application on your PalmPilot. You are now ready to start using PalmProject.

Importing/exporting to MS Project 98

By following the above installation instructions, the PalmProject databases will now be exported to a files with the .csv extension, which is a comma-separated-value file. The file will be stored in the directory selected during the setup.A header is placed in the first line which allows the file to be imported into MS Project 98 by using a "map". A map is a set of instructions for MS Project 98 to tell it how to read in a file. An example is shown below:

ID,Start,Duration,Finish,Predecessors,% Complete,Name,Resource Names
1,1/19/2018,0 days,1/19/2018,,0%,Write Spec,Niev
2,1/19/2018,45 days,3/20/2018,1,0%,Design Circuit,John
3,3/23/2018,3 days,3/25/2018,2,0%,Simulate,John

Conversely, if a file named import.csv exists in the dierctory, it is copied to the PalmProject database on the PalmPilot as project name "Import". In this case, the import.csv file should not have a header, but otherwise follow the sequence of values as above. You should follow MS Project 98's instructions to save your project as a csv file and create a "map" which will output the fields as below. The csv file should be named import.csv. The conduit will automatically parse this file and convert it to the PalmProject database. An example csv file from MS Project 98 is shown below:

1,Fri 1/2/98,0 days,Fri 1/2/98,,0%,Notes about this template...,Niev
2,Thu 1/8/98,18 days,Mon 2/2/98,,0%,Concept,Dolan
3,Thu 1/8/98,5 days,Wed 1/14/98,,0%,Evaluate current systems,Niev

Caution: To be able to successfully import to the PalmProject, you must follow its rules (limit dependency to one earlier task, limit total tasks to 99 and specify duration in days only).

Backing up to the desktop

The PalmProject databases will be backed up by the PalmPilot HotSync everytime you HotSync. The database will be stored under your username directory, under the Backup directory with the extension .PDB. You can restore any of these databases back onto the PalmPilot by using the Install utility that comes with the PalmPilot desktop software.

Uninstalling PalmProject

To uninstall the desktop conduit software, under Windows 95, go to the Control Panel and use the Add/Remove Programs application to remove PalmProject. This will delete all associated directories and files for PalmProject. To delete the application on your PalmPilot, use the Memory applet to delete PalmProject - this will delete the application and all the project databases.


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PDAWare and PalmProject are trademarks of PDAWare. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are owned by their respective companies.

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Last revision 3/01/1998
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